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 página inicial :: Currículos :: Outros :: Bibliotecária
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Bibliotecária (English version available )

Disponível para : São Paulo, Capital

Resumo de qualificações

Bibliotecária na área de Saúde, com experiência em captação,selação e disseminação de informação em Internet


Relações entre médicos e pesquisas científicas, bem como o tratamento de todas as informações necessárias na área de saúde

Experiência profissional

- Estagiária 1998-00 - Hospital Israelita Albert Eisntein
- Bibliotecária - Site de informações na área Médica: Connectmed


Superior - Faculdade São Marcos - Psicologia
Superior - Escola de Comunicação e Arte - USP - Biblioteconomia - formação final de 2001


Inglês - fluente para leitura e conversação

Dados pessoais

Brasileira, 33 anos, solteira


Availabe to work in : São Paulo, Capital

Technical Summary

Research via Internet in research sites and CD-ROM related to the medical area in support to scientific researches, forming a bibliographic reference service

Specific Knowlegdes

Formation of virtual libraries linked to medical specialties: articles, news, bulletin boards and clinical cases, abstracts, fast consultation, medicine laws and guidelines
Connectmed bibliographic alert: service for the sending of abstracts of scientific texts, translated into Portuguese, for the user’s e-mail, a personalized service for the selection and follow-up of newspapers and scientific magazines.
Formation of the collection of the main publications in the medial area for the Virtual Connectmed store.
Planning of an educational course, at a distance: “Bireme via Internet”

Relevant Experience

VERTICALMED - Company in Internet activities – Librarian: From February/2000 to January/01 - Available site:
HIAE – Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital – CENIC: Scientific Information Center: From February/1998 to February/2000
· Bibliographic researches for support to the professional development of the medical body belonging to HIAE;
· Researches and bibliographic orientation to postgraduate teachers in Children’s Health;
· Planning and structuring of courses, talks in the medical area like meetings with editors and authors of scientific articles.



BIBLIOTECONOMY - ECA/USP: 9th Semester - 5th year - morning (conclusion at the end of 2001)

PSYCHOLOGY - “Faculdade São Marcos - major in Musictherapy - 1986/9

Foreign Languages

ENGLISH - Advanced level for technical reading and writing

Personal data

Brazilian, age 33, single woman

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